Friday, April 17, 2009

More on Competition Tomorrow

You thought I was going to write more about competition, didn't you? That'll have to wait until tomorrow, because S and T had a drama performance tonight, and we're recovering from the highs (and lows) of that. 

All in all, it was a fine performance, and we were all thrilled. 

I have another post brewing in the back of my mind about the interesting interplay between siblings when they're in a cooperative production, especially when one--or the other--is in the limelight.


  1. I'm looking forward to both posts!

    PS, How much are the show tix, if I may be so crass?

  2. The tickets are $12 a piece (a bit expensive I think, but Center Stage is a non-profit). If you end up buying tickets, look for the ones with "adv" next to the performance times. Sydney plays Violet (her big role) in the 5:30 Saturday show and the Thursday show.
    We'd love to see you there!

  3. Ya really, Camille, if you expect us to come here 10 times a day and click on your ads to fund your secret hobbies, you had better provide us with the sequels that we are looking for!
