Sunday, April 19, 2009

Info on Hot Science - Cool Talks Lecture Series

All of the lectures of the Hot Science - Cool Talks are stored in the archives on the Environmental Science Institute's website. Here's the link for Bob Duke's talk. 

If for some reason you can't make the talk in person but still want to see it live, they always do a webcast of the lecture. They will occasionally questions viewers submit online during the talk, but usually they don't get to them, as there are always ample questions from the in-person audience.

Duke's talk was the last one of the spring semester, and they don't have their fall schedule up yet. I'll post it when I receive it. (No idea when that will happen.)

I highly encourage everyone to attend when possible. They are much more interesting in person than on a small screen. All ages are welcome, but younger children may find them tedious, depending on the topic. (Since the talks are recorded, children who might be distracting should probably not attend--this includes my own sometimes. LOL)

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