Sunday, April 19, 2009

API Founders: What a Privilege!

Today I had the privilege of meeting two remarkable women--API founders Barbara Nicholson and Lysa Parker. They are a couple of the most approachable, down-to-earth, and sharp people I've met in a long time--and they're influential to a huge number of parents these days. 

These two women are changing our society for the better ... one family at a time. Fifteen years ago they started Attachment Parenting International, and they've been responsible for helping huge numbers of parents follow their gut instincts and encourage their kids to be vital, valuable, meaningful, respected, contributing members of their families.

If you get the chance to get to BookPeople on Sunday, please make it a point to do so. They're having a book signing at 3:00 and will be talking about the 8 principles of attachment parenting. 

Even if you think AP is flakey and hippie dippie and Richard Ferber is your hero, even if the most preparation you did before you delivered was to buy a package of diapers and a new box of condoms, even if you were bottle feeding your baby Coke at 6 months, and even if the closest you wanted to get to wearing your baby was to lift him from the carseat to the stroller, you should go see these two remarkable women.
After all, it's never too late to bond to your children.

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